Globo director responds to Zé de Abreu’s announcement to run for office

Globo director responds to Zé de Abreu’s announcement to run for office

“My candidacy goes beyond the Labor Party,” the artist assessed in an interview on TV 247. Watch

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247 – Actor Jose de Abreu who this week She officially announced that she intends to run The Federal Labor Party representative in Rio de Janeiro in 2022 told TV 247 about the reaction of the general manager of Rede Globo when he was informed of the matter.

“I spoke to a general manager at Globo, I won’t say the name, there’s a lot out there, and I went to inform the possibility that I might be a candidate, because there’s a TV series going on the air in 20 days that I’m one of the main cast and there are legal issues, so I went to say I’m thinking of To be a candidate. This reaction was: “I like it, I will vote for you”, ”, the artist reported.

For Z de Abreu, as he is known, his “candidacy goes beyond the Labor Party,” which makes those who patronize anti-tourism at least consider voting for him.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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