The vignette of “Plantão da Globo”, which netizens fear, inadvertently appeared on Tuesday morning (25) and left social networks in an uproar. Several memes and reactions due to the situation have been recorded.
It all started when “Encontro com Fátima Bernardes” called a break. Immediately after the morning vignette, the distinctive music and visual arts of Plantão da Globo took to the air, and were interrupted after a few seconds.
Within a few minutes, the name Duty of the Globe entered Twitter Trending Topics. Lots of people were scared, just imagine a tragedy or some big news.
The intern pressed the button and called Duty Station of Globo without any material. At the moment, he is looking for a new training in CIEE
– Marcus Adnaloh (@adnaloh_)
May 25, 2021
Someone said, “I nearly died of my heart with this shift, the doctrine.” Another joked, “I jumped out of my seat when I heard this Devil’s song.” A third said, “I already thought that something had happened, it was all of a sudden.”
So far, Globo hasn’t taken a position on the bug in Globo TV’s vignette. However, memes and jokes about the situation still circulated online.