Globo's historic director reveals why he stopped watching the broadcaster

Globo's historic director reveals why he stopped watching the broadcaster

Director Daniel Filho, known for works such as Irmaos Couragem (1970) and Days of Dancin (1978), criticized the current state of soap operas on Globo, a network he considers to have lost its quality.

“I don't know what happened, but there was a drop in quality,” he said.

Daniel Filho, a former actor and director, revealed that he is no longer interested in open television and prefers live broadcasts and YouTube content.

“Do you know what I watch? I watch a lot of YouTube and live broadcasts. I don't watch open TV,” he declared at the launch of the book O Labo B de Boni on Tuesday (6).

“I don't know what time it is now [programa]”When did he leave? I lost my way,” added the director, who left a huge mark on television.

Regarding series, he admitted that his interest was already low even during his active career and now it is almost zero.

“I didn't watch much when I watched now… I don't know what happened. But the quality has gone down,” he said.

Daniel Filho directed important television series in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, including Véu de Noiva (1969), Selva de Pedra (1972), Pecado Capital (1975), O Casarão (1976), Duas Vidas (1976) and O Astro (1977). He was also responsible for successful miniseries such as O Primo Basílio (1988), Confessions of a Teenager (1994) and A Vida Como Ela é… (1996).

As for his contribution to Brazilian television drama, he was modest.

“Nothing,” he said. “I did my job, that's all. I worked and worked.”

He stressed that the partnership with Bonnie was a great gift.

“We have been a duo for decades. We have a great friendship and it has been an honor to work with him,” he commented.

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