Last Thursday (28) Facebook She announced the change of her company name to Meta. Now, WhatsApp has started receiving the sequel “from Meta” naming it, rather than “from Facebook”, for Android..
According to the site information WABetaInfoHowever, the replacement of the new address for the owner company was already taking place in beta versions of the messenger for members of the Google Play Beta program.
The adjustment was to be expected. WhatsApp CEO Will Cathcart reported last week – via his Twitter account – that the app will get updates soon to reflect Mark Zuckerberg’s new company name.
“In the coming weeks, you’ll see us making updates to reflect the new name on WhatsApp and our website. Our team will make it clear to our more than 2 billion users that our belief in their privacy and security remains the same.”
Will Cathcart
Head of WhatsApp on Meta
The presence of the phrase “from Facebook” in the instant messaging app is already happening A little over two years agoTo promote the service owner. The same is happening with Instagram, which should soon follow the same path and change the add-on to “From Meta”.
TudoCelular has received information that Instagram has also started showing the indicator “From Meta”, which is already in Brazil, in its beta version. However, like WhatsApp, there are no expectations that the change will reach all users.
How do you rate the new Facebook name and its application to company-owned apps? Be sure to comment with us in the space below!
*Thank you to reader Juliana Santos for the Instagram tip!