On Wednesday (27th), during the Android Developer Summit, Google announced the Android 12L version of the operating system aimed at devices with larger screens, such as tablets, foldables and Chromebooks. Ad confirms Rumors that have been traded in the past few weeks.
The novelty was thought due to the large number of different devices that use Google’s operating system. “Last year, we saw nearly 100 million new activations for Android tablets – at 20% annual growth rate, while ChromeOS, now the fastest growing desktop platform, grew by 92%. Up, with growth Annual over 265%”
Android 12L news
According to the company, the entire Android 12L interface has been crafted to improve the user experience with larger screens. Screens with more than 600 sp, for example, will have a two-column layout, allowing you to drag and drop an app or window to another “tab” in the smartphone.
Disclosure / Google
In this sense, the system also brings improvements in the display of notifications, quick settings, lock screen, home screen and overview. The taskbar is now more similar to Chrome OS, with apps placed in the middle at the bottom of the screen.
The stable version of Android 12L will be officially released in early 2022 with the “next wave of foldable and tablets with… Android 12A beta version of the operating system for Pixel phones will be released in December.
Users interested in learning more about Android 12L can Download emulator system on the computer.