Last Tuesday (25), Google released its latest update to its internet browser, Chrome. Chrome is named only version 91, and it’s about 23% faster thanks to optimizations in the engine JavaScript, Used to create interactive elements on web pages.
More specifically, the browser is now able to execute JavaScript code faster due to a new compiler and a new way to improve storing the code in memory. According to Chrome Product Manager Thomas Nattestad, the optimizations ensure the highest possible speed on all types of web pages.
It shows that a new JavaScript interpreter, called Sparkplug, bridges the gap between the need to start a task quickly and optimize your code for maximum performance.
Another novelty is “built-in short calls”, Loosely translated into “short internal calls,” which optimize the allocation of codes generated in memory in order to “avoid indirect hops when calling functions,” Natstad explains.
Google Chrome gets faster with every update. (Source: Google / Disclosure)Source: The Google
Better, faster and more stable
Fortunately, this kind of novelty is becoming increasingly “common” in Google Chrome updates. Among the recent changes, there is a decrease in RAM consumption in Windows by as much as 22%, which is a very high percentage Well received by system users.
In this context, the browser was receiving other important improvements in each release, such as: Chrome 85, which brought 10% faster page load; Chrome 87 which was made 25% faster startup, Plus improved page loading speed by 7% and latest Chrome 89, which has improved RAM consumption increased by 8%In addition to other improvements.