“It burns like hell, it annoys you, but I am convinced that it kills animals before they multiply,” said the founder of the largest group of private hospitals in Brazil, Reddy d’Or, cardiologist Jorge Moll Felho.
247 – The founder of the largest group of private hospitals in Brazil, Rede d’Or, cardiologist Jorge Moll Filho, said in an interview with newspaper O Globo that he is using Listerine, a mouthwash, on his nose against Covid-19.
He called for vaccination against the virus, but said he did not become infected because he had devised a “method” for it. “I put drops of mouthwash in my nose when I’m in a risky situation, like meetings indoors.”
According to him, it is about the logic of pathogenesis. The Covid-19 virus initially deposits in the cavity, which is the contact area between the nose and throat. They begin to multiply there and then gradually move to the lungs. “
“It burns like hell, it annoys me,” he said, “but I’m convinced it kills the animals before they can reproduce.”
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