Healthy longevity doesn't just mean living longer, it means living with higher quality

Healthy longevity doesn't just mean living longer, it means living with higher quality

That is why the period from 2021 to 2030 was declared. A decade of healthy aging By the United Nations (UN).

“This idea is in line with a more global approach to health, which seeks to promote a healthy lifestyle from youth to old age. This is based on several factors, such as access to health care, including nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention and control of chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity,” explains nutritionist Diogo Toledo, from the Albert Einstein Hospital in Israel.

With the discovery of microorganisms in the 19th century and the subsequent development of antibiotics and vaccines, science has been able to reduce mortality rates and extend life expectancy. But this practice has focused on treating diseases and caring for acute attacks.

Now, medicine has entered another moment, more focused on prediction and prevention, where there are many resources and technology that allow us to extend our lives with high quality.

According to Toledo, the difference between age that it Health extends The Brazilian indicators reflect the country's challenges in terms of public health and overall well-being.

“To improve health status, it is necessary to invest in disease prevention, promote a healthy lifestyle, and improve the health care system,” he says.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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