TV and celebrities
“MasterChef +” is a new version of the reality show that brings together contestants over 60 years old
famous chef, Henrique Fogaçawill not participate in the recordingMasterChef +In the coming days. The new version of the reality show, played by chefs over 60, should debut in November with three more seasons of the show in the same year: the current season, for amateurs, will succeed it.”Masterchef Professionals“.
According to columnist Flávio Ricco, of R7, Fogaça will be removed from the episodes of the reality show’s remake after a positive test for COVID-19. According to the information, he is only showing mild symptoms, but he will be isolated at home, recovering from the virus.
While Fogaca does not return, The band will bring guests to cover the chef’s absence, and will maintain the recording routine, which is still in check. It is noteworthy that last year, It had already been removed from the programbut due to fainting.
“I ended up feeling sick, I was enrolling MasterChef. Vision darkened, I lost consciousness. It sounds ridiculous, but I didn’t eat well, so the pressure went down. I fell off the stage, hit my head, received seven or eight stitches here. You hurt the forehead. I went to the hospital and did several tests, I’m fine‘ He reassured at that time.