Rescue a lost girl in a Florida swamp
Police officers rescued a 5-year-old boy while he was walking alone in a swamp In Florida, United States. According to the police, the girl left the house on Monday (26) and was rescued on the same day.
Agents used a helicopter equipped with a thermal camera to assist in the search. He issued instructions so that police officers on the ground could find the girl. (See video above)
Upon locating the girl, helicopter officers informed their colleagues: “I have located her in the woods. She may be able to hear her name if you call her. She may be about 24 meters ahead of you. Keep moving.” From the agents.
When the police found her, The girl was walking in shallow water between trees in a swamp near Florida.
Upon approaching, the officers called the girl by name and raised their arms while speaking in a friendly voice, so as not to frighten her.
A police officer said, “Come here, honey. Let's get you out of the water and get you to everyone.”
The girl also raised her arms and walked towards them. Netizens praised the customers for the way they handled the situation.
Pictures of the rescue operation were recorded using a camera mounted on the body of one of the police officers who carried out the rescue operation on the ground.
According to Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister, The girl has autism and moved away from her home on Monday (26), but soon he was reported missing. She was found the same day and told Chronister to speed up
Al-Sharif said: “The deputies’ quick response saved the situation and turned a potential tragedy into a meeting full of hope.”