Horoscope: Check predictions for the week of November 1-7 for all signs

Horoscope: Check predictions for the week of November 1-7 for all signs

November Arrived with everything! With the onset of the penultimate month of the year, the sky brings more desire to break barriers and conquer the world. And this is how we feel little by little waning moon Lower its luminosity until we reach, next Thursday, the fourth, to new Moon.

With the union of the sun and moon in Signboard From Scorpio and in tension with Uranus, in Taurus, the star of the week is thirsty for transformation. Thus, we opened the month of November with a fever for the new. But it is also necessary to be careful that this search for new directions does not end up causing us to stop thinking about the legacy that sudden decisions can leave. By the way, it is worth remembering that this new moon opens a cycle – what we call, in astrology, Lunation – the culmination of which will be the full moon on the 19th of next November, when we also have a partial lunar eclipse.

On the same longitude as the new moon this week is Acrux, the alpha star of the famous Southern Cross constellation. Marking the base of the cross we see in the sky as we look up at this constellation of stars, Acrux reminds us that changes can be quick, but we still have lasting results, and because of that, we need to know how to turn the pages with emotional preparedness.

But the news of the week does not stop there: to further strengthen the transformation star, the ruling planet of communication and everyday life, Mercury enters Scorpio, next Friday, the fifth. And on the same day, we will also have Venus, the patron planet of relationships, in the sign of Capricorn, reminding us that in every change and separation, it is essential to have emotional responsibility!

Let’s all have a week full of love and energy!

Check below your weekly horoscope with trends for the twelve zodiac signs for November 1-7, 2021.


It’s time to conquer fears and break down barriers, Ariane. Just do not forget that in everything in life you need to know how to dialogue and share decisions. Seize the opportunity to deal with hidden issues and better understand issues related to sexuality.


Be careful not to pop for nothing, Taurus. It’s important to know how to express yourself without being extreme. Be aware of your own needs as well as the needs of others. By the way, advice is also worth: make a good filter in your relationships.


The week promises a lot of work, Gemini. So, try to organize yourself to deal with everything. Watch and review your schedule and try to do everything in a practical way, without leaving any problems hanging for later.


The sky is filled with intensity for you Cancer. Take the time to do something you love. In fact, flirting and having fun is on the rise, so it’s time for it.


Be wise when dealing with family issues, Leo. Offer your point, while being calm and patient to listen. Also take the opportunity to promote changes in the home and in intimacy.


You’re sharp with words and think too fast, Virgo. Take the time to study and research new content. Just beware of impulsiveness and too direct communication.


The moment requires more organization and attention to finances, Libra. Have you already planned for the end of the year? It is important to make responsible decisions so as not to get lost in plans that can cost more than planned.


The sun goes through your sign and this week you feel rejuvenated, Scorpio. You are full of energy and can open a new stage in your life. Take the initiative and only be careful with extremes.


It’s time to pay more attention to your spirituality and psyche, Sagittarius. Invest time in yourself and try to sleep well. It is important to pay attention to your dreams and to rest well.


The week promises to be very fruitful, Capricorn. Be aware of opportunities to form alliances and be in good company. Take care of yourself also a little more: it is important to maintain harmony and invest in your well-being.


It’s time to think long-term, Aquarius. Avoid rash decisions. Also invest in your career and learn how to use popularity to your advantage. It’s time to show your worth and set the stage for future growth.


The week promises deep reflections on learning as well as Pisces spirituality. Be open to new knowledge and seek exchange with people. Just be careful not to stick to overly extreme dogmas or ideas.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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