House approves the project that creates the vaccination card online with SUS

House approves the project that creates the vaccination card online with SUS

On Thursday (29), the House of Representatives approved the bill establishing the National Vaccination Card Connected. The document will be linked to CPF for the owners. The matter will be analyzed by the Senate.

The computerized system of the digital vaccination card should automatically notify you when the cardholder needs to go to a health unit to update their vaccinations. The vaccination data will allow the issuance of an international certificate of vaccination, in accordance with current legislation.

The digital wallet should contain data such as the bearer’s full name, affiliation, date of birth, address, phone number, and CPF, as well as information on the vaccines applied with the brand name, part and expiration date. The card can be accessed through the mobile application or through Location On the World Wide Web.

It is up to the health institution, public or private, where the vaccination took place, to record the information in the system. According to one of the authors, Representative Luizinho (PP-RJ), as there is no system for data access, registration will be done through forms sent to the nearest health unit where such access exists.

The federal government has already dispatched about 50 million doses of vaccines to states and municipalities. “But we do not have real-time information on the doses applied,” the deputy said. “Because this information comes from the health unit, from the vaccination center, and is released in the basic health unit. Average time delay It is 15 days, which delays the information as a whole. “

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According to Congressman Luizinho, the vaccination card Online It would also reduce the need for vaccines to be recorded on paper, as it is currently in operation.

“All Brazilians who need to travel abroad and to some countries and need to present evidence of vaccination against yellow fever are suffering, and they are looking for a simple paper to prove their vaccination,” the MP said. “The online vaccination card is nothing more than giving Brazilians a format that contains in real time information about who has been vaccinated,” he added.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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