How much does R$10,000 earn in CDB, Treasury and Savings with Selic at 13.75%?

How much does R,000 earn in CDB, Treasury and Savings with Selic at 13.75%?

For the second time in a row this year, the Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) of the central bank decided to keep the base interest rate (Selic) at 13.75% per year. The decision was already anticipated by the investors, who took advantage of the opportunity to allocate their resources in it fixed income.

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Investments in this category bolstered their gains by a higher Selic rate, a movement that has been occurring since 2021. Even savings, which for many years had not recorded a positive real return, returned to yield a profit higher than inflation.

Considering the current scenario with a Selic rate of 13.75% per annum, What is the return on investment of $10,000? In CDB, Treasury Direct and savings After 12 months?


Below, see the table prepared by the XP Investimentos team at the request of InfoMoney. Calculations consider the CDI to be 13.65% and already include an income tax deduction (17.5% rate):

Source: InfoMoney

Where do you leave the money?

As noted in the table, savings is still the least advantageous option for the investor among those selected. When the Selic rate is above 8.5% per annum, the ledger has a return of 6.17% per annum, plus a variance of TR (Reference Rate).

Other floating rate investments continue to see an increase in their return following the base rate. Although it is not exempt from income tax, as is the case with savings, Selic or treasury bonds Convention on Biological Diversity It can yield more than the brochure.

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On investment platforms, it is possible to find papers with a return of up to 120% of CDI, which is very close to Selic. However, it should be noted that those with higher returns do not usually have daily liquidity, that is, they can only be redeemed after their expiration date.

It is also worth noting that there are investors who do not give up savings because it is supposed to be a risk-free alternative. However, it presents the same risks as CDB, and the possibility of default by the bank, which is considered low.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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