How to get your 13th paycheck right on vacation!

How to get your 13th paycheck right on vacation!

In general, the thirteenth salary is a long-awaited benefit for the population of Brazil. It is guaranteed by law to all workers subject to CLT, and represents additional pay at the end of each year. However, not everyone has this right, and there are some exceptions that deserve attention.

Contract employees, pensioners and pensioners of the National Social Security Institute are the main beneficiaries of the thirteenth salary. However, there are some peculiarities involved in this bonus. Therefore, we have prepared this article to clarify all doubts and clarify who is actually entitled to this benefit.

What is the thirteenth salary?

The thirteenth salary is an annual bonus stipulated by Law No. 4090 of 1962 for all workers who have an official contract. Under the law, this benefit must be paid in one or two installments throughout the year, with the first installment to be paid by the end of November and the second by December 20.

All employees under a CLT-governed contract are entitled to the thirteenth salary. This includes urban, rural, domestic and casual workers. In addition, INSS retirees and pensioners are also entitled to this annual benefit.

Payment can also be made on the 13th day of the month in which the worker takes paid leave. In this case, the first installment is paid in advance. For this to happen, an application must be submitted to the employer during January. Payment of the second installment continues with the same general rules.

How to calculate thirteenth salary?

To know the value of 13, it is necessary Divide the monthly salary by 12 (the number of months in the year). Then the result must be multiplied by the number of months in which the wage was received. At this point, it is worth paying attention: only months with a duration of more than 15 working days can be counted.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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