Anyone who receives a benefit from the government knows that using the card is one of the easiest ways to get it citizen. It is the direct channel to receive the main benefits paid by GovernmentAmong them are the Stop Compensation Fund, also known as FGTS, Unemployment Insurance, PIS/Pasep Salary Allowance and also Brazil Aid.
see also: Citizen card – what is it for, what is it for, the second copy and how to do it
All persons who are eligible for this benefit and who do not have an account with Caixa Econômica Federal are entitled to request a Citizen Card.
The requirement not to have an account in Caixa is due to the fact that if a citizen has an account, then all these benefits can be paid directly through it, and therefore the card will be useless. So we can say that the Citizen Card is an alternative for those who do not want to open a new account just to get the benefits.
Those who are entitled to benefits, but do not have a Caixa account or have a card, do not need to worry about costs, because the card is free. To order is very easy, simply go to one of the branches of Caixa Econômica Federal closest to you, or call the Caixa Service Center on 0800726 0207.
Another thing to consider is the documents required to apply for a citizen card. The first is proof of current residence, which could be a water bill or an electricity bill. Another document is the NIS, Social Registration Number, or even the NIT, Worker Registration Number. Of course, it is also essential to have an RG or CNH on hand.
It is also necessary to remember that the operator can use the citizen’s password to release the card. Thus obtaining the social or work benefits that Caixa provides. This can be done at all Caixa Econômica federal branches, as well as lotteries, Caixa service points, Caixas correspondents, as well as self-service stations.
The password can also be generated through the same channels mentioned above, at Caixa call centers or by calling 0800 726 0207. The card itself.
And if you want to check your balance to see if there’s actually any interest in your account, whether it’s FGTS or even PIS, you can access the Caixa website or even download its app on your cell phone, whether it’s Android or iOS. In addition to that, you can also check if you are entitled to other programs such as salary bonus or even unemployment insurance through these same channels.