I’m Lucky: Watch 7 Fun Google Button Pranks | Launchers and search engines

I’m Lucky: Watch 7 Fun Google Button Pranks |  Launchers and search engines

“Lucky” button below the search bar in The Google, redirects the user to the first link that points to the searched keyword. However, the feature also allows access to some files easter eggs Cached in the search engine. Few know, but it is possible to play copies of classic games backman And Snake by entering specific commands in Google and pressing the button. Tricks like “Do a Barrel Roll,” which rotates the entire page, and “Google Gravity,” which makes site elements fall under the influence of gravity, have become online classics and are still remembered today. In the list below, discover seven fun pranks with the “Lucky Stroke” button.

List of jokes hidden on Google’s “I’m lucky” button – Photo: Getty Images / Chesnot

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Type “Google Sphere” into the search engine and click “I’m lucky.” The page layout will take on an outdated layout, and all elements will begin to circle the Google logo and search bar, simulating the movement of a ball. You can use the mouse to change the direction and speed of rotation.

‘Google Sphere’ trick makes links spin around the search engine logo – Image: clone/Gabriel Pereira

Google buttons affected by gravity – Photo: clone / Gabriel Pereira

The “make a barrel roll” command causes the Google results page to appear in a full circle around the screen. The Easter egg, found by typing the corresponding term and clicking “I’m lucky”, is a reference to the Star Fox console game nintendo 64. In it, a character constantly repeated the command “Do a Barrel Roll”, an acrobatic maneuver in which the plane rotates 360 degrees to dodge shots.

Do a Barrel Roll is one of Google’s oldest Easter eggs – Photo: Reproduction / Gabriel Pereira

This is one of the funniest Google Easter eggs. By typing “Google Pacman” in the search engine and pressing the “I’m Lucky” button, the Google logo turns into a maze full of little monsters, and the user is redirected to a game from the classic game backman🇧🇷 Easter egg has been on Google since 2010, when the search engine honored the game’s 30 years with a doodle. To start the game and miss the 80’s, just click with the mouse and then use the arrow keys to control the character.

Google’s Pac-man Bcc reproduces the sounds and logic of the hit game in the 2000s – Photo: Reproduction / Gabriel Pereira

Pac-man is not the only classic hidden game on Google. By typing “Google Snake” in the search engine and clicking “I’m lucky”, the user is redirected to a version of the popular snake game, which is known to have been part of the company’s mobile phones. Nokia in 1998. The difference between Google Snake and the original game is that instead of controlling a fruit-eating snake, the player controls a train that travels through the cities it covers Google Maps while transporting passengers.

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Google Snake is a version of the classic snake game – Photo: Reproduction / Gabriel Pereira

To play, you must choose a destination. São Paulo, London, and Tokyo are among the options offered by Google Maps. Then use the arrow keys to control the train and collect the passengers. Be careful not to hit the edges of the map or the car itself.

6. Google Mirror (elgooG)

In the past, when you typed “Google Mirror” and clicked “Lucky stroke”, the search engine page was reversed. However, the trick has acquired a new functionality: today, upon accessing the mirrored version of Google, the user is redirected to elgooG, which is nothing more than a set of official Google Easter eggs. The page combines several games performed by the company using the “Lucky stroke” button, from the most recent to the oldest.

Google Mirror is now elgooG – Photo: clone / Gabriel Pereira

By typing “Google Underwater” and clicking “I’m Lucky”, the user is taken to the water version of the search engine. The page is half filled with water, and some fish are swimming at the bottom. The Google logo and search buttons are affected by gravity and fall into the water, similar to Google Gravity. When you click and move the mouse, waves are formed that interact with the elements of the search engine.

It is interesting to note that the Google logo is reversed. This is because, as mentioned in the previous thread, many of the secrets hidden in the “I’m lucky” button are now archived in the Google mirror, elgooG.

with information from footnotes

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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