I’m Moser. Confirmed Shot for the Ministry of Sports – 12/29/2022 – PVC

I’m Moser. Confirmed Shot for the Ministry of Sports – 12/29/2022 – PVC

Anna Moser It’s a sure shot for Ministry of Sports And that’s not just because she’s the first former athlete to hold the position since Pele. Because he founded and headed an institute called Sports and education. There is no other reason for this volume to exist than to bring exercise into school, and to combine knowledge of the body with knowledge of the classroom.

The person who first opened this idea was my friend, my master and my neighbour, Juka Kfoury. He was the first man invited to be Minister of Sports by Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Juca says – and the FHC writes – that he responded negatively to the invitation on the grounds that there was only one man whom Joao Havelange respected, who would not overstep his bounds and would not go directly to the President of the Republic: Pele.

I remember the despair of Rita de Cascia Nevado, Retina, Juca’s secretary in the Playboy editorial office, I don’t know what to say to the reporters, who asked why the FHC was at the Playboy and Placar director’s house, one spring morning in 1994, Rita denied all information about the meeting, Until Jouka asked her to always tell the truth.

Pele became a minister and produced The law that ended the enslavement of football playersTo which they mistakenly attribute the subordination of stars to entrepreneurs. The player won his release. It is a sin that football did not teach him what to do with his freedom, which caused the immediate change of master. The agent entered the club and left.

Another reason why Anna Moser is the ideal maid. She joined the sport and education.

An old skank song says, to abolish the Brazilian caboclo slavery, education is on the one hand and money on the other. For the football star, they only gave the second option. For an Olympic athlete, oftentimes not even that.

Poor you if you think money is worth more than culture.

There are reasons to have a Ministry of Sport in a country with 27 federations for each method. It will be up to Anna Moser Define sports policy. It can help develop high-performance athletes, however The priority is to spread this practice throughout the country. You don’t make a sports intellectual by bringing up the biggest events, which is a misconception about Lola’s early years.

Evolution comes from daily exercise. If 207 million people had the sport in their daily lives, there would be thousands of champions. Even more so if they are not starving.

This will be the task of Anna Moser’s bag.

a football It is also an Olympic way.

But in this case, there will be an important role for President Lula.

Like Margaret Thatcher, the right-wing Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, she was convinced that football could create jobs, wealth and taxes, and authorized an effort to end the international shame of hooligans and turn it into British pride in the Premier League. Brazil needs the same movement.

In this case, contrary to what Juca Kfoury told Fernando Enrique Cardoso, it is not João Havelange who needs to run over the minister in order to speak with the president. It is the president who, together with the minister, needs to tell the CBF that it is no longer accepted Brazil is very inactive on such a strategic issue.

Sport and education will go hand in hand with Anna Moser.

Football, the president’s passion, needs to put an end to politics and can once again become a national pride.

Football country must be reborn.

The end of the year is always hopeful. Let it be from the Ministry, I am the Minister of Sports and Education.

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About the Author: Lizzie Gray

"Lifelong web fan. Incurable internet junkie. Avid bacon guru. Social media geek. Reader. Freelance food scholar."

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