In a historic event, the Run and Walk Against Breast Cancer program reached its largest audience in the past 10 years

In a historic event, the Run and Walk Against Breast Cancer program reached its largest audience in the past 10 years

Last Sunday (10/15). Running and walking against breast cancerdoing it IBCC Oncology Treatment in IbirapueraIn the capital, São Paulo, it gathered 10,000 people who participated in the cause it filed “Breast Cancer in Fashion Goal” campaign.. The campaign generates resources for IBCC Oncologya charitable hospital and a reference in the fight against breast cancer and primarily serves SUS patients.

The event has brought together more than 195,000 people since its inception in 1999, including those who participated or were present to enjoy the event. The event was sponsored by La Roche Posay, Cosan, Smart Fit, Drastosa Esports and Lindoya Verão.

With the support of the City of São Paulo, the race aims to raise awareness about breast cancer, the type of cancer that kills the largest number of women in the country, as well as highlight the importance of prevention and early detection of the disease.

According to the National Cancer Institute (INCA), breast cancer is the most common type in women, however, when diagnosed early, it has a 95% chance of being cured. INCA believes that between 2023 and 2025, about 73,000 cases of breast cancer will appear in Brazil.

“The IBCC sees this edition in a special way due to the fact that we are returning to Ibirapuera, a place where running and walking have been done for many years,” highlights Father Osmar Pinso, supervisor of the Oncology Department at the IBCC, located in the Moca neighborhood, in São Paulo.

Created in 1999, the Race and Walk Against Breast Cancer is already part of the calendar of thousands of people, whether athletes or not, who each year wear the blue Goal T-shirt and take part in this event to celebrate life and matter. From regular physical activity.

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“The campaign spreads awareness about the importance of prevention and early detection of breast cancer. 95% of cases, when diagnosed in the early stages, have a chance of being cured. Those who run with us are fighting for the podium and raising awareness about one of the most common cancers in women.Father Osmar concludes.

IBCC has already held versions of the event in more than 10 Brazilian cities, such as Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Cuiaba, Blumeno, Brasilia, Curitiba, Recife, Ribeirão Preto, Santos, São José dos Campos, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre.

Prevention is also for young people

According to data from the Brazilian Society of Breast Medicine (SBM), in 2023, breast cancer cases in women under 35 years of age have doubled since 2020. Previously, about 2% of this age group were affected by the disease, now about 5% are affected.

The index has practically doubled, according to SBM, either due to the diagnosis of more cases or the emergence of more cases. Factors that may be associated with the onset of breast cancer include stress, a sedentary lifestyle and lifestyle. In this regard, exercise is necessary to prevent disease.

Another study, conducted with universities in the United Kingdom and China, and published by the scientific journal “BMJ Oncology,” indicates that cancer cases in general in people under the age of 50 have increased by 79% in the past three decades.

  • Date: 10/15/2023 09:10
  • Modified: 10/15/2023 09:10

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