Inspection finds shortage of staff, inputs and vacancies in HBDF

Inspection finds shortage of staff, inputs and vacancies in HBDF

During an inspection at the Hospital de Paz do Distrito Federal (HBDF), on Wednesday morning (8/11), the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, Citizenship, Ethics and Decency of the Legislative Chamber (CLDF) discovered critical conditions in the health unit managed by the Strategic Management Institute (Aegis-DF).

The visit comes after the committee received several complaints about the situation there. Patients and relatives of patients in the hospital reported shortages of beds and basic supplies for activities. Furthermore, staff who contacted the college criticized working conditions in the health unit.

During the inspection, parliamentarians from the college found patients in the corridors of the hospital; Intrusions into the hospital kitchen; Insufficient number of professionals to provide services in various sectors; And improvised beds in the emergency room due to overcrowding.

With a capacity of 71 patients, the emergency department at HBDF received 178 patients at the time of the visit. Another 17 people are waiting for a place to be transferred to the intensive care unit.

look at the pictures:

Not enough team

Even with the large number of people waiting for care and patients in the hospital, only three doctors were working during this morning’s shift, in addition to 14 nurses. The hospital administration added that seven physical therapists are available throughout the day and three work at night.

According to the authority, the insufficient number of kitchen workers led to a delay in feeding the entire hospital. The ideal number would have been 249 specialists available, but there were only 153. The inspection team also found a lot of dirt in the place that had recently undergone renovations, and found leaks in the warehouse that was also renovated.

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District MP Fabio Felix (PSol) considered the kitchen renovation a palliative measure. “It has not been officially handed over to the company [responsável pelas atividades]. Many renovation areas have deteriorated and broken down, and there is a shortage of professionals. “There are about 100 too few to take care of,” he said.

In addition to the parliamentarian and other members of the collective, representatives of the Human Rights Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association (Oab) accompanied the visit. “We will issue a report on the situation and send it to Secretary of Healthfor the management of Iges-DF and also for Public Ministry. The region added that there is an urgent need to resolve what is happening.

“reference center”

In a statement, Iges-DF said that HBDF is facing an overcrowded situation in the emergency room, with a much larger number of patients than the total capacity for care. “Since it is an open hospital, it receives and welcomes every patient seeking medical care. They explained that this sector, as a reference health center throughout the country, includes a large number of patients from the most diverse Brazilian states.

The institute stressed in the text that it is working to improve hospital conditions. “We recognize the inconveniences and complications of overcrowding and continue to look for management alternatives to improve the quality of service. We ask for residents’ understanding and reinforce our commitment to providing dignified service to everyone seeking HBDF,” he added.

Hey capital Cities She also contacted the Federal District Health Department (SES-DF), but had not received a response as of the last update of this report. The field remains open for possible demonstrations.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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