Instagram surprised users on Wednesday (19) when it launched the new function that allows public comments on Stories. This new feature, called “Hype”, was first seen in December last year, when it was spotted in tests conducted by the platform. The feature will act as a kind of message feed visible not only to the author of the post, but to other people, just as it happens in life on the social network. However, some netizens criticized the function on X (formerly Twitter) and claimed that they might lose their privacy on the network.
Hey TechTudo I contacted Instagram which confirmed the new update. “We're always working on ways to help you better connect with your friends in Stories. We're testing a new way to leave comments on Stories, starting with a small group of people,” commented an unnamed company spokesperson. So, it's worth noting that the function isn't Available to all users at the moment. In the next few lines, see more details about the new function that allows public comments on Instagram Stories.
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Instagram makes public comments in Stories; See how it works
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Instagram hype: what it is and how the new thing works
Instagram Hype, as it has become known, will operate in a similar way to comments made in real life on the platform. Once available in the app, the function will display a pop-up window informing users about the new feature with the following message: “Add comments to your friends’ stories. Comments are visible to everyone who views the story. In addition, there will be a small balloon located in the lower left corner of the screen. By pressing the button, A new tab opens, where Internet users can send messages.
Upon receiving comments, the post's owner can decide whether to keep them, delete them, or block the account that sent them, as well as report them or even send a direct message to continue the conversation. Furthermore, it is possible, in the profile menu, to restrict interactions to only profiles that are followed, for example.
Finally, it is worth noting that the update is gradually arriving to all users. The deadline for making the new feature available to everyone is not yet clear. In the TechTudoNot every newsroom has this role right now. It is worth updating the application on your device and waiting.
How to enable and disable comments on Instagram Stories
With the new Instagram update, the public comments feature is now enabled. However, for those who do not want to commit to the new functionality, it is possible to deactivate it in a few steps. Follow the tutorial below.
- Open the Stories creation page and click on the “Settings” icon, represented by the gear in the upper right corner;
- Select the “Story” option and scroll down until you find the “Allow Comments” button. Click on it.
- Here, you can select who will be able to publicly comment on your Stories: “Your followers,” “Followers you also follow” or no one (with the option to turn off);
- If you want to prevent a specific user from publicly commenting on your Stories, simply list them under “Block comments from.”
Instagram's new feature is being criticized on the web; See reactions
On social media, the new Instagram function received both negative and positive reviews. Users complained about the end of privacy on the platform with the new feature, while others agreed with the change, which could help content creators. See some logs shared by X (formerly Twitter) users:
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“Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar.”