Invisa and Side discuss measures to contain variants of the Coronavirus

Posted on 05/25/2021 20:47

    (Image source: Nhac Nguyen / AFP)

(Image source: Nhac Nguyen / AFP)

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) met, on Tuesday (25), with the Ministry of Health to discuss expanding measures to contain the spread of new variants of the Coronavirus in Brazil. Last Thursday, Maranhão state confirmed the registration of the Indian substitute in the state. Ciara, Barra, Rio de Janeiro and Distrito Federla are also investigating possible events. One of the characteristics under study of this variant is its high degree of transmissibility.

According to the regulator, the main issue at hand is the exact determination of where passengers departing international flights from India, the United Kingdom and South Africa will be directed to comply with the quarantine. The agency said in a note that “monitoring quarantine in the national territory is not within the competence of Invisa, whose operations are limited to the environments of airports, ports and border areas of the country.”

Under the current rules, in accordance with Order 653/21, based on Anvisa’s technical recommendation, foreigners and Brazilians heading to Brazil must submit the result of a negative RT PCR test taken in the past few months to the airline. 72h and proof of electronic completion of the Declaration of Health (DSV).

Also according to the current law, foreign travelers arriving from or passing through the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of India within 14 days prior to departure, are prohibited from entering Brazil. However, the standard specifies exceptions. Brazilians and spouses of Brazilians, for example, of origin or passage date in these countries, must remain in quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in Brazil.


According to Anvisa, the idea under discussion is that quarantined travelers should be sent, in agreed-upon flows between states and municipalities, to specific quarantine places – according to the reality of each location. Consequently, states and municipalities will also be able to implement additional health measures in environments where Anvisa does not have the statutory competence to act, such as highways and highways.

Also according to the memo, this week Anvisa must meet with airlines and franchisees at the airport to discuss faster procedures to obtain information from passengers contacting the issues under investigation.

On Monday (24), the agency has already discussed with the state and municipal health secretariats of São Paulo, a city that represents the largest commuter area in Brazil, and discussed new courses of action.

“The suggestion is that passengers, even asymptomatic, who have passed through countries that currently have new variants, such as B.1.617, should be directed to a specific location to comply with quarantine.” He said to Anvisa. “The Center for Strategic Information and Response in Health Surveillance (Cievs) will monitor the health status of these people, as is currently the case. In Guarulhos, transportation of these travelers from the airport will be provided by City Hall, similar to current health protocols.”

For Brazilians living in the capital of São Paulo and who have passed through the listed countries, the idea is to continue to allow quarantine to take place at the place of residence, always under observation. For symptomatic passengers, the traditional influx remains: rerouting to the hospital, under the watch of Cievs.

* Intern under Carlos Alexandre de Souza

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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