Is Agatha evil in earth and passion? Jurecê predicts misfortune and warns Caillou of danger TV news

Is Agatha evil in earth and passion?  Jurecê predicts misfortune and warns Caillou of danger TV news

Agatha (Elienne Giardini) will increasingly show her true interests in Terra e Paixão. Jurecê (Daniel Mondoruku) goes so far as to warn Cayo (Qua Raymond) of the danger he faces due to his faith in the newcomer, but no one will listen to the shaman’s warnings. The ex-convict will then be able to get her hands on La Silva’s fortune on Globo at the ninth hour.

In Chapter 26 this Saturday, the farmer is taking his mother to visit the town’s Aboriginal Reserve. Once you enter the area, the undead will cause you trouble.

Jurecê would even pass out when he saw a shadow atop a woman’s head. Allen’s sweetheart (Barbara Reese) will find the mother’s reaction so strange that she won’t even be able to enter the wizard’s hut.

Yandara’s grandfather (Rafaela Cocal) will talk to Cayo and say that he needs to find the object of protection that he got as a boy. However, the boy will not understand the nuances of the native chief’s warning and will continue to blindly believe in his mother.

Agatha will show her claws again after the reckoning with Antonio (Tony Ramos). The farmer will make sure that Ramiro (Amore Lorenzo) is placed in charge of the safety of the first woman and will ask Silverio (Samir Murad) to deposit an allowance for the former prisoner.

Eliane Giardini’s character will feel triumphant because she easily convinced the rich man and left him in her hands. She will still smile with satisfaction when Angelina (Inez Viana) blathers that Antonio had a fight with Irene (Gloria Perez) because of her.

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Gentile’s ex-lover (Flavio Buraki) will also extract money from Caio. But the cynic will pretend that she is not interested in the inheritance of the sharecropper, stressing that she only wants the love of her children.

In scenes scheduled to air on the following fourth day, it will be seen that Agatha is not really as good as she wants to appear. The woman will talk on the phone with a mysterious partner and explain that she just wants to get all the money from La Selva.

Suspiciously, Silverio will seek out Irene for a serious conversation. The lawyer will state that he believes Agatha only intends to take money from God Almighty.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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