Is it time to exchange? 4 signs that your car battery needs to be replaced!

Is it time to exchange?  4 signs that your car battery needs to be replaced!

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a car battery It is the heart of your car, being essential to the electrical system, such as the headlights, GPS and multimedia center, to start the car. Therefore, special attention should be paid to it. The useful life of the part is usually 3 years, depending on the brand.

It’s really frustrating trying to drive home after a day at work and your car refusing to start, but know that before you get off it’s showing signs that it’s not working as it should. So read on and see some tips that it’s time to replace your car battery.

4 Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Car Battery

oxidized battery

Among the many signs, we can highlight the end of the battery life is the oxidation of the terminals. When this happens, a green crust called cinnabar is formed. Therefore, if you notice such oxidation, immediately take your car to the garage and avoid further damage.

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Car light malfunctions

If you realize that your car has defects in the electrical system, such as problems with the lights or some wobbling, problems with ventilation or air conditioning, or problems with the fuel injection system, know that maintenance is necessary.

Slow engine starting

If you have to turn the key multiple times to get your car to start, the battery simply can’t hold the same amount of charge it was providing.

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Battery smell bad?

If your battery has a foul smell like rotten eggs, it means there is a gas leak. This is very dangerous for other parts of your car and for you.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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