Itapefe enters the all-around senior football circuit

Itapefe enters the all-around senior football circuit

That football is popular and that every Brazilian loves sport, everyone already knows that. But here at Itapify, every elderly person can play while walking, that’s right, while walking. Walking football is a type of traditional football, also born in England, that allows the integration of men and women over the age of 60, opening up the possibility of a more active, healthy and long-term life, even for those who have not played it before. Physical activity.

And starting Monday (3), the Social Development Secretariat, in partnership with the social organization Walking Football Brasil, opens registration for 100 vacancies in five teams for people over 60 (see requirements below). The teams are mixed and allow the inclusion of elderly people with chronic diseases and people with disabilities.

Walking football lessons last up to two hours and will be held in a decentralized manner, in the gym, in the nursing home and in the sports preparation centre.

The realization of the project is the result of the support of companies such as Mercado Livre, Centauro, Machado Meyer Advogados and Engie Brasil, which, through the Fundo da Pessoa Idosa do Município, have collected money to fund activities and even to pay for transportation for the elderly living in remote areas.

The beginning of the recording

priority to ia recipient of Continuing Allowance (BPC) benefits; Seniors from families benefiting from income transfer programmes; Older adults who experience isolation due to lack of access to family and community services and opportunities and whose needs, interests, and availability indicate inclusion in the service.

Where do you do? At CRAS and CCI (Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm) and online via the link:

About walking football

Walking soccer is a form of soccer, and is found in more than 16 countries, allowing for more inclusive exercise for all people, as well as significantly improving health and well-being indicators for active longevity.

According to a survey by Data Folha published in 2017, over the years in Brazil, older people no longer play football. This is due, in our view, to the fact that practicing sports in their traditional way increases the risk of injuries and fractures, in addition to not keeping up with the pace of people in this age group.

In this new method, running is prohibited and physical contact is reduced, which makes sports more comprehensive and accessible. It appeared in the United Kingdom to engage the population over the age of 50, where it was an important public policy, resulting in a significant increase in the levels of physical and emotional well-being of its participants.

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About the Author: Lizzie Gray

"Lifelong web fan. Incurable internet junkie. Avid bacon guru. Social media geek. Reader. Freelance food scholar."

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