the singer Yvette Sangalo He was hospitalized at Aliança Hospital, in Salvador, Bahia. She was admitted to the medical unit due to a severe intestinal infection caused by seafood.
Yvette surprised her Instagram followers by opening a live broadcast from the hospital on Friday (9/30). Reassure him of his health. He said that he should be sacked on Saturday (1/10), and also filed an appeal regarding the elections to be held on Sunday (2/10).

In addition to the aforementioned celebs, Ateliê Mão de Mãe did not conquer anyone else, except Ivete Sangalo, Queen of AxéRafa Mate / @[email protected]/ play / instagram

Ivete Sangalo presents a program on Globo with its armGlobe / Play

Yvette SangaloReproduction / Instagram
“This program is fun; that’s what I know how to deliver. Before I became a singer, in my house, joy was a sine qua non of my family. Here I will sing, perform, play. I come with my energy, and I will learn a lot too. In my eyes, incredible things will happen.” on this tripFabio Rocha / Globo
Ivete Sangalo will launch a new program on Rede GloboFabio Rocha / Globo
Yvette SangaloReproduction / Instagram
“I’m fine, tomorrow I’ll be released, thank God, everything is going great. And Sunday is ‘us’, huh guys?!”, he said. “I’m fine, don’t worry,” added the singer, who sang an excerpt from one of her songs about the change.
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