Jean-Paul Pratis will act in 3 of his 4 companies

Jean-Paul Pratis will act in 3 of his 4 companies

presidential candidate PetrobrasJean-Paul Pratis (PT-RN), has already begun the deregulation process Its companies operating in the oil and gas sector. On Wednesday afternoon (January 4, 2023), the advisory firm, Expetro, had already traded.

On note to The power is 360The senator said he would only keep the holding Singleton Active to manage the properties you own.

The output is a way to meet the requirements State Lawwhich prohibits the nomination of candidates who haveany form of conflict of interest.” To be a member of the board of directors of a public company.

In a note, the senator’s advisor stated that “There is no legal requirement or compliance requirement to remain a partner or not be a partner in these venturesBut he chose to distance himself for reasons of transparency. Read the full article below.

However, the The power is 360 I found out that the trend is for the state-owned company compliance area to demand the sale of companies. The senator needs to distance himself from companies during the process of analyzing his resume by the Petrobras Management District.

The state-owned Celeg (Eligibility Committee) must provide an opinion on compliance with the SOE Act and the company’s internal rules. Celeg’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Board of Directors, who must approve or reject the nomination.

The federation will also have to transmit the list of candidates to the council. According to Petrobras rules, the head of the state-owned company must be a member of the board of directors. Names will go through the same parsing process. After that, a meeting of shareholders will be held to vote on the formation of the Board of Directors.

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Jean Paul Prates has a company that works in the same field and another that can provide services to Petrobras competitors. are they:

  • Carrara Petroleum – Oil exploration appears as the main activity of the company in revenues;
  • Singleton Participações Imobiliárias – Registered with the Revenue Department as a consultant. She is a partner in Carcará Petroleo and in two other consulting firms below;
  • biological consultants Consulting specialized in natural resources and the environment.

As of early afternoon on Wednesday (January 4), the Petrobras Presidential nominee is listed as a partner in Expetro Consulting specialized in the field of oil and natural gas. Jean-Paul was involved via another company, Singleton. Now, she is no longer involved. The only partner in this company is Rildo Alves da Silva.

Jean-Paul Pratis denies there is a conflict of interest. About Carcara, Prats says he claims the company doesn’t earn anything, but he kept a watch in case it needed to be used for some buyback. The company is registered as operator C – small size – in ANP (National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels).

According to the senator, this record is difficult to access, and therefore the company remained active, although it did not conduct any activity.

She participated in two ANP bids in 2001 and 2022 and then did not participate in anything else. No invoices issued. It is an established company working to enter the field if necessary. So there is no problem leaving it and no contact with Petrobras at any recent moment in less than 10 years. There is no conflictPratiss said The power is 360.

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About Singleton, Pratts said it’s a holding Without revenue, it was created to represent its contribution and management of 3 properties.

the other side

This is the full text of the note he received The power is 360:

Regarding the share of Jean-Paul Prats in companies that have been inactive for several years, it must be clarified that there is no legal need or compliance for him to remain or not as a partner in these ventures. However, since transparency had always been one of the principles defended throughout Jean-Paul Brets’ public life, he decided to separate the corporate structure of these companies, keeping only Singleton’s holding company active with a view to managing the properties owned by him.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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