Joao embraces Caio and says he didn’t vote for him

Joao embraces Caio and says he didn't vote for him

Collaboration with UOL, in Sao Paulo

04/19/2021 00h34Update in 04/19/2021 00h35

After the formation of the twelfth wall of “BBB 21” (TV Globo), which put Caillou, Gilberto and Fouquet in the spotlightJoao Louise hugs the farmer and says he didn’t vote for him.

“I didn’t vote for you, no,” says the geography professor. Guyan is grateful: I’m happy. “

Joao also said he wanted to know Caio that his vote was not in his favor. Then the broken man answers:

“You are a fish.”

Lucky! Remember who actually saved himself from the wall and hit “BBB 21”

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Who should be excluded from “BBB 21”?


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta

Total th 82958 Voices

UOL voting has no scientific nature or influence on TV Globo’s outcome

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BBB: Police Cases

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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