Actor Joao Guilherme spoke on Friday (25), behind the scenes at the BB Ball, about the very public quarrel between his ex-girlfriend, Larissa Manuela, and her parents, Silvana Takis and Gilberto Elías.
In a conversation with Splash UOL, the artist defended his former SBT co-star, whom he dated for about a year and two months, between 2015 and 2016.
When asked about his position in the fight, João says he is on Larissa’s side, despite noting that she and Silvana “lost” the position. “My opinion, I think for my family as well, we end up following along with the whole of Brazil, I think it’s very sad. We always want to see mother and daughter do well, especially people we know, people close to us. We know how bad it is for all parties. Nobody wins much.reflects the actor.
Joao also noted that the exposure would only exacerbate the feud: “But a lot of boring things happened. But as for the relationship between the two of them, the people who watch it on TV, what would you think? Every day there is news.
Finally, Joao Gui said that he was sad about the fights, but expressed his full support for Larissa. “I know that I trust Larisa very much, of course, she has always been the closest person to me. I trust her heart and education. Therefore, I am with her. In this whole story, we are hand in hand, of course. But this whole situation is very sad.” I finish.
Joao had previously made confidential comments about the case, on the same day as Larissa’s unprecedented interview with Fantastico, in which she claimed she gave up everything she had earned in order to end her parents’ control over her life. ., broadcast.
“speechless”, Son Leonardo wrote on Twitter, apparently suspicious of his complex financial and personal situation. “I’d better go to sleep, freedom of speech is killing me”added minutes later.
– J (@Joaoguiavila) August 14, 2023
I better go to sleep, free speech is killing me… (🙃)
– J (@Joaoguiavila) August 14, 2023
All the fuss surrounding the relationship between the actress, the groom and the parents, started when Silvana commented on a post by Leo Cedad, her daughter’s ex-boyfriend, saying she misses him. The interaction made netizens speculate that the mother would not have taken very well the current engagement of the protagonist of “Alem da Ilusion”.
Later, an exchange of followers took place between the artist and her mother. In addition, Taques also unfollowed André on social media. At the same time, in one of the interviews, the mother stated that her intuition showed that something “wasn’t right” in the relationship between Larisa and Andrei.
The tense atmosphere continued, and in May, it was confirmed that the professional relationship between Larissa Manuela and her mother had broken up. Taques has been in charge of the artist’s management since childhood. According to writer Lucas Pasin, of UOL Splash, it was the beau’s support that encouraged Larissa to “take the reins” of her professional, personal and financial life, definitively straining his closeness to the bride’s parents.
And in August, the fight reached a new level when the actress revealed, in an interview with “Fantastico”, what she was living under the control of her parents, as well as the insufficient division of profits and assets acquired throughout Larisa’s career.