Joao and Thais spoke at “BBB 21 “(TV Globo) While watching pictures of the other brothers on the main screen. The brother then saw a good opportunity to talk to his sister who had already decided who would take him to the angel lunch, and Thaís was not included.
“This is what I told Joe,” said Joao. “We were already with Phuk and Jill last week,” stressing that it was too late for them to come back for lunch.
He said, “Hey, the connection is bad,” and the Thais agreed, saying, “Do you remember that I told you that?” “
“But at least it was my choices at home,” Joao explained, but Tai did not understand and tried to clarify again:
“At home, I knew I was going to call you or, Fei-Tube …,” the brother revealed.
Earlier, Joao told Fei that he would accompany her to lunch, The sister was excited, but indicated that she believed her brother would take Juliet in her place.
Heaven’s gift! Remember all the angels that were for ‘BBB 21’
1 / 21
Rodolfo was the first angel
The country singer was the first angel of the season to audition with paint cans. He even wrote a message on the ground after winning the dispute.
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2 / 21
Kaio was vaccinated
Rodolfo chose to fortify his friend Caio. In justification, the brother said he had “arrived” at the house.
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3 / 21
Karla was the second angel
Karla won the second angel test for dynamic luck. In addition to the powers of the owners, the sister also won the sum of 10,000 Brazilian reals.
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She vaccinated Camilla de Lucas
“My necklace goes to someone who has always been able to hear me,” said Carla when she gave immunity to Camila de Lucas, her friend at home.
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Caio was the third angel
Caio won the third Angel in a skill test. The farmer was awarded 5,000 BRL and was able to send 5,000 BRL to someone outside the home, in addition to all the powers of the owners.
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Rodolfo won the immunity
Time to return the favor! Caius gave the angel to Rudolfo, who vaccinated him in the first week of the program.
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7 / 21
Caio was an angel again
a second! For the second week in a row, Caio won the Angel in a memory test. Again he won 5,000 BRL, plus 5,000 BRL for someone outside the house, in addition to a 55-inch 4K TV.
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Rodolfo is immune again
For the second week in a row, Caio vaccinated his friend Rodolfo.
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Caio was an angel for the third time
You can order music from Fantástico! Caius conquered the Angel for three consecutive weeks. Once again, the farmer raised R $ 1,000 and sent R $ 5,000 to someone outside the home.
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Angel was autoimmune …
In a joke by Thiago Leverett, Caio explained why he gave the angel to Scales and even gave the immunity necklace to his sister, but the angel was an autoimmune disease.
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Arthur beat the owners
Even with his arm steady, Arthur wins the Angel Test whose basic skill required aiming. In addition to his powers as an angel, he has won 10,000 Brazilian reals.
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12 / 21
Projota was immunized
In a controversial choice, Arthur preferred to fortify Brugota rather than Carla Diaz, his relationship at home. The crossfiteiro decision took the actress to the wall, which was wrong.
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Projota was the angel
Fortified one week, the next angel. In another memory test, Projota was able to outrun him and besides the chance to give someone the immunity necklace, his brother won with a 0 km car.
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And take him back to Arthur
Once again the angel has returned. This time, Projota fortified Arthur, as he had done the week before.
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Viih Tube won the 8th Angel
Viih Tube won the largest memory test. The sister won prizes of R $ 5,000 and other R $ 5,000 in products from the sponsors.
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The Thais were vaccinated
Viih chooses to fortify Thailand, her best friend in the game. She said she was not only motivated by friendship, but because Thais “deserves it.”
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Thaís won the ninth angel
Thais won the race for the Easter theme, which was out of luck. The sister also won R $ 5,000 in purchases on the sponsor app.
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The angel has also returned
As usual on the show, Tay brought back the angel to her friend Vie Tube, who had vaccinated her the week before.
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Phuk and Jill were an angel together
The brothers won the double angel test in a dynamic that requires skill. All of them won 10,000 BRL.
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John’s immunomodulator
The two decided to fortify Joao Luiz.
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João wins the 11th Angel Test
BBB 21: João Luiz wins the Angel Test
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