Joao tells Tayes that she’s not going to the angel’s lunch

Joao tells Tayes that she's not going to the angel's lunch

Joao and Thais spoke at “BBB 21 “(TV Globo) While watching pictures of the other brothers on the main screen. The brother then saw a good opportunity to talk to his sister who had already decided who would take him to the angel lunch, and Thaís was not included.

“This is what I told Joe,” said Joao. “We were already with Phuk and Jill last week,” stressing that it was too late for them to come back for lunch.

He said, “Hey, the connection is bad,” and the Thais agreed, saying, “Do you remember that I told you that?” “

“But at least it was my choices at home,” Joao explained, but Tai did not understand and tried to clarify again:

“At home, I knew I was going to call you or, Fei-Tube …,” the brother revealed.

Earlier, Joao told Fei that he would accompany her to lunch, The sister was excited, but indicated that she believed her brother would take Juliet in her place.

Heaven’s gift! Remember all the angels that were for ‘BBB 21’

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Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta


Globo / Joao Cotta

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