Jojo Todinho’s brother slams singer after shack with neighbor | Famous People

Jojo Todinho’s brother slams singer after shack with neighbor |  Famous People

Jojo Todinho reproduction

Posted on 10/14/2022 16:55 | Update 10/14/2022 17:09

Rio – Jojo Todinho’s brother, Matthew Jesus disavowed the singer’s position, I knocked on the gate of the neighbor that I talked about badly on the web for contentment, Via Instagram Stories and the status of the messaging app, this Thursday. He said that “immorality comes with money” and lamented being associated with the singer and presenter of the “Jojo Nove e Meia” talk show from Multishow.

“How debauchery comes when you have money! I do not rule out the reason for those who have their own opinion. I just came out of the same womb as this person [Jojo Todynho]But don’t ever compare me to her. So it’s easy to leave the southern region, do your show and leave the whole picture here. I do not condone immorality and the silly and childish attitudes of relatives, no. I hate this type of people! When some silly attitude appears from my relatives, don’t bother me,” Matthews wrote. This outrage was posted by columnist Leo Dias, of Metropolis.

On Friday afternoon, Jojo spoke about the criticism she received from her brother. “In this life, my only duty is with my grandmother. Now people who do nothing, do not want anything related to life and want to enjoy what they did not fight for … I appreciate those who appreciate me,” noted the artist, who did not clarify whether they It will be a letter to Matthews. She then said that her grandmother would travel with her to Miami and highlighted: “Retina (her grandmother) has a good life. Others have to work. If relatives are good, let everyone live together. Only seen on memorial appointments.”

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Remember the case

Jojo Todynho shared on her Instagram, Thursday evening (13), a series of videos that will personally please her about a woman who attacked her on the web, a neighbor of her grandmother who did not like her. “A girl from my grandmother’s neighborhood took my pictures and called me fat. So I came here to knock on her door and ask her what story she knows. I’ve never disdained anyone here in this neighborhood. A person and I want to use the person’s picture to make fun and gain followers… She wants money to pay for silicon Everyone knows me since I was young, it’s respect,” she said indignantly. Then the singer knocked on the neighbor’s gate and argued with her on the street.

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