Jose Leoncio is ashamed and finally assumes that Tado is his son, TV News

Jose Leoncio is ashamed and finally assumes that Tado is his son, TV News

Jose Leoncio (Marcos Palmera) will finally take over Tado (Jose Loreto) as his son in wet land. The landlord will have an argument with Tenório (Murilo Benício), as the villain abuses the boy. Furious at the comments, the biome’s lord will tell everyone that the pawn is his heir at the 9 AM Globo Opera.

In the following chapters, hollow Gisetta Barbosa will leave for Rio de Janeiro with him Friday (Alanis Guillen), which will make Tadeu hope he might have a chance with him jota (Julia Dalavi).

While most of the characters will gather around the fire, to the sound of fashion, the young woman’s father will comment on a project that will have to carry out hotel business alongside Zé Leôncio. The idea of ​​tourists in the area would immediately enrage attendees, but the villain’s daughter will argue that a portion of the profits will be used to conserve the environment.

“In that case, if I have to, even put on a suit and tie!” Tadeu, will nail, trying to impress his sweetheart. “you He says this just because he loves her,” will provoke Levi (Leandro Lima).

Upon hearing the comment, Tenório will speak of insulting Jose Loreto’s character. “Well, let everyone know that my daughter is not for the mouth of any little piece of nonsense!” The bastard will shoot.

Rebels from abuse, José Loncio will shock everyone and assume what he’s always been hiding: “And you know that this little piece of bullshit is my son…Yes. And the only son I have! He’s the heir of all that is mine!”

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Written by Benedito Ruy Barbosa, the telenovela Pantanal was introduced in 1990 by the extinct Manchete (1983-1999). Globo edition has been modified by Bruno Luperi, grandson of the author.

Find out all about the following seasons of the series with the Noveleiros podcast:

Listen to “#98 – Is the End of David and Isadora in Beyond Illusion?” on Spreaker.

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