Julia B was thrilled to rid herself of her burdens after being criticized for her performance in “Encontro com Fátima Bernardes”, today. She posted a series of crying stories and spoke out about the hate messages she received on her social networks.
The singer spoke about how she saw people who posted crying videos and wondered if “this is the best time, if it is good manners” to expose such a life on the networks, but today she understood why and explained behind the scenes of the show on the show.
“I was very worry before entering Fatima. Nobody thinks I’ll do that. The producer herself told me not to go straight. Got it, got in. I’m in a week of release, the world is so weird. It started.

Julia also said that she strives for perfection in everything she does, but today is not her best day.
“Those who go along with me know I’m a very perfectionist, and I love to train and get things right. I knew it wouldn’t work today. What would I do? Sometimes we wake up and it’s not our best day. To do! It’s work!”, he explained and continued.
“I just wanted to apologize to my fans and the people who accompany me, who I wish I had seen another Julia there. For everyone who talks badly, just think twice. Leave me alone, please. I don’t want it to sound ungrateful. For this profession and for this moment, I’m happy. I have all Something! Health, friends, family, amazing fans, an incredible career. Sometimes I accuse myself of being sad, but there’s no way… Sometimes we can’t control it, but it will pass,” concluded the singer.

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