The BBB21 star and singer was sued by the MBL members after the audience shouted Lula’s name during her show
capital Cities – Juliette Freire used Instagram, last Tuesday (5/7) to talk about the lawsuit brought by MBL. Sao Paulo city councilor Robinho Neves did not like the shouts of support for Lula during a concert and accused the singer of campaigning for a Labor candidate outside the election period, which the electoral judiciary deemed a crime.
“The strategy is very straightforward. Just don’t see who doesn’t want it. Next agenda… Let’s talk about the good stuff?!”, confined to the BBB21 Champion’s saying. In the post’s comments, even Gilberto Gil came out in defense of the cactus queen: “Love it! That’s it.”
After the demonstrations in favor of Lula at the Juliet Show, at the Sao Joao concert in Caruaro, Pernambuco, in the early hours of last Sunday (3), MBL members represented against the artist, who hinted that she was in favor of the primary candidate. to the presidency.
In the document, São Paulo councilman Rubens Nunes and former state candidate Goto Zacharias claimed that there was a “gathering disguised as a cultural event” and alleges that Juliette presented “with public funds”.
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The two also point out that the situation is “a blatant act of early and erratic election propaganda on the part of the present public.”
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