Kaikeyi Brito’s wife is ignored by the actor’s family

Kaikeyi Brito’s wife is ignored by the actor’s family

Photo: Instagram/Stephanie Brito/Biboka Moderna

Netizens noticed the strange absence of Tamara Dalcanale, wife of Caique Brito, in thanking the actor’s family for his exit on Friday (9/30). The situation ended up having a bigger fallout because of a party organized by Kaykee’s sister, Stephanie Brito, to celebrate her brother’s arrival home — a “family” gathering that Tamara did not attend.

Kaikeyi was released from the hospital after being hospitalized for about a month due to being run over. The actor, who was the victim of multiple traumas, “has had his injuries successfully corrected” and is “in a position to continue the rehabilitation process at home,” the medical release stated. Additional details have not yet been revealed about his health condition and treatment after his discharge from the hospital.

Celebration and catharsis

Stephanie Brito posted on social media pictures of the celebration, which was attended by her parents, Sandra and Joseph, and her husband, Igor. The actress expressed her gratitude and relief in an emotional text: “After the worst nightmare of my life, I find myself facing the fragility of life, and the possibility of losing my brother, oh God, again, like every day, in Mubarak.” In the most awaited moment since the beginning, my brother is coming home!”

However, neither Stephanie nor the actor’s mother, Sandra, mentioned Kaikeyi’s wife in her own post, in addition to excluding her from the celebration. Comments like “Guys, how ridiculous not to mention the wife who took care of him too!” It appeared on the networks, sparking speculation about possible family tensions.

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Tamara, in turn, posted a text on social media to celebrate her husband’s exit, with whom she has a young son, Kyle, who is 1 year and 8 months old. She also did not mention the actor’s family, preferring to thank the doctors and the couple who welcomed her in Rio de Janeiro, where she lives in Curitiba. In other words, no one from the Kaiki family provided housing for Tamara and her son.

She also announced that she will return to Curitiba, while Kaiki will remain in Rio for a few days to recover with her family.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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