the reason? Everyone thinks the baby is Daniel’s (Johnny Massaro) and she wants her share of the La Selva inheritance.
In the coming chapters, Lucinda (Deborah Falabella) will be one step closer to discovering the truth about her father’s paternity. Danielzinio Because of a birthmark.
The boy is born with a mark identical to Marino’s.
The one who notices the spot is Angelina (Inez Viana). A La Selva employee notes when introducing the boy to the family:
“Look, he has a little birthmark! Even the birthmark is cute.”
When visiting Lucinda, Angelina talks about the arrival of the new heir to the chieftains and causes a scene:
“Isn’t little Daniel cute, police officer? Even the little mole behind his ear is cute,” he remarked to Marino.
At the same time, Lucinda remembers the mark the police officer left in exactly the same place:
“Do you have a mole behind your ear, Marino?” he tries to confirm.
Embarrassed, the delegate changes the topic and withdraws from the conversation. On the other hand, Lucinda suspects that there is a relationship between the boy and Graca.
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