Leaning tower in Italy worries authorities (not in Pisa)

Leaning tower in Italy worries authorities (not in Pisa)

a Torre Garicenda in Bologna doesn’t have the fame of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, but it is also leaning and raising major concerns for the Italian authorities.

According to media outlets in the country, the monument was subjected to a strange movement, which prompted municipal officials to close its doors, in addition to closing the central square and the Asinelli Tower near it.

Historically, the Torre Garisenda, which together with the Torre Asinelli “Two Towers” form the symbol of the city of Bologna, had a slope of four degrees. But a recent investigation revealed traces of “an unexpected rotation of its tilt” and “other imperceptible movements that need to be studied more carefully,” as city mayor Matthew Lepore explained in an interview with the New York Times.

“It’s not that the tower is collapsing,” he told the North American. He explained: “We have been monitoring the tower since 2018, as if it was a patient in the hospital, and now we know that it needs protection and restoration, so we decided to move immediately.”

According to the mayor of the Italian city of Bologna, the area was closed last week to allow the case to be closely studied “without noise or traffic interference.”

The solution to Garicinda’s problem has not yet been found, but Matteo Lepore already knows that its restoration will take “years.” There are even those who say it could take a decade to complete.

Read also: The storm sweeps Milan, and floods close streets and close stations

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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