“Fly virus” is the common name given to Acute diarrheal disease – a group of diseases caused by various microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites). During periods of heavy rain, such as summer, the condition is more common, as excess water contributes to the breeding of flies. They, in turn, host viruses and bacteria that are easily transmitted to humans through contaminated food and utensils.
In January, cases of the fly virus in Fortaleza doubled compared to the same period last year, exceeding two thousand, which alarmed the authorities. According to a postdoc in neuroscience and biology, Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela, the outbreak could also affect other regions of Brazil.
The specialist warns that “during the rainy season, flies multiply and spread more quickly, facilitating the emergence of the virus in other areas as well, as even water can cause pollution.”
virus fly
He explains that the fly is not actually a carrier of the disease. “They transmit the microorganisms that cause the virus to humans only by landing or by laying eggs in a specific place, thing or food,” he explained.
Fortaleza City Council has instructed residents about symptoms of contamination, which include:
- nausea;
- vomiting.
- diarrhea.
- Fever;
- colic;
- Dehydration (in severe cases).
According to dr. Fabiano, taking some basic care can help prevent infection. “Fly virus infection easily occurs through eating food, using utensils, or using other contaminated surfaces. Therefore, the main form of prevention is to avoid eating raw or undercooked food, and to wash utensils thoroughly before using them. Always wash your hands. And always keep rubbish covered.” says the biologist and neuroscientist.
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