Learn why the great news of WhatsApp screen sharing is a risk to your security

Learn why the great news of WhatsApp screen sharing is a risk to your security

WhatsApp is the most used messaging app in Brazil and in several locations around the world because it is constantly updated. New features are being announced throughout the year that improve user experience, and one of the latest is screen sharing on WhatsApp.

It’s something users have been asking for and it brings the messenger closer to online meeting services, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype. Meta announced the new feature, explained what it would allow to display while sharing a screen, and indicated how the tool works.

However, care must be taken not to end up compromising security. You need to think carefully about displaying information during a call so that sensitive data is not exposed. Next we will see how to use the new function with care.

Learn why the great news of WhatsApp screen sharing is a risk to your security
There is a risk that your personal data will be disclosed. Credit: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia/pronatec.pro.br

How does WhatsApp screen sharing work?

The feature was officially launched by WhatsApp on Tuesday (8), when Meta explained how it works. In the updated versions of the messenger, the user can share the screen while on a video call in the messenger. You can show documents, photos, step by step online shopping and anything you want.

All contacts on the call will be able to see the user’s screen images live during the call. Another new feature of video calls is the ability to make them in landscape mode, that is, with images appearing horizontally, which increases and improves the visualization of shared content.

The feature is available in the updated version of the messenger. If you don’t see it, update the app. To share your screen in the messaging app, you need:

  1. choose the contact you want to make the video call;
  2. Touch the option indicated by the video camera icon;
  3. Tap on the Share icon located at the bottom of the video call;
  4. choose between sharing a specific app or showing the entire screen;
  5. The message that screen sharing has started will appear to other participants.
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Understand the risks and protect yourself!

WhatsApp screen sharing is a feature that has many benefits for users, especially for work groups, study groups, friends and family members who want to hold meetings to present some important documents or data. It is a way to improve processes, bring people together and ensure more practicality in everyday life.

However, as everything has its good and bad sides, especially on the Internet, the new messenger is no different. By deciding to share your screen during a video call, you are putting your security at risk. This happens due to the fact that personal and confidential information is exposed and can be intercepted by hackers and malicious people.

The biggest risk is when many people participate in the video call, without you knowing who they are all. Therefore, it is important to be careful with the supplier so that you do not end up exposing yourself too much.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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