After forming ‘BBB 21 “(TV Globo), Tiago Leifert gives the” spoiler “in the game of strife. The brothers will have to set up” podiums “again.
I already told you that tomorrow there will be a residence meeting we will reassemble the platform and maybe there is a problem, they will have a problem assembling this platform. By the way, they are afraid to death to climb the podium.
The dynamics first occurred in Fourth week of reality. On this occasion, the brothers also indicated that the participant will not win a “BBB” award.
Fire in the stadium! Discord game dynamics in ‘BBB 21’
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The Abandoned
The first discord game of the season asked the brothers to indicate the biggest causes of cancer or minors for “BBB 21”
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The dynamics of the “second joint meeting” had a framework for dividing the “BBB 21” participants between the influencers and the influencers.
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Podium / Don’t Win
Who is on your podium? Who Never Wins A “BBB 21”? These were the questions that the participants of the Discord match answered on February 15th.
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Podium / Don’t Win
Nego Di was rated “not victorious” by Sarah on the wall who the two fought with Phoc. The comedian was eliminated the next day with 98.76% of the vote.
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Tourist? Toxic? Weak?
In the dynamics of Monday 3/1, participants must assign traits to their peers. Among the words touristy, toxic, weak, useless, popcorn maker and two sides.
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Thai tourist
The sister receives a “tourist” sign from Rodolfo during the game of sedition.
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Allies and disappointments
In this discord game, participants needed to designate their allies in “BBB 21”, as well as their disappointments and longings for the game.
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Ansar and additions
Who are the “BBB 21” heroes and extras? The brothers responded in a feud match on March 15th.
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Rodolffo was placed as an extra guest in the glam game and was blocked.
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More signs and cars
The Discord game on March 22nd resulted in a zero car for Boca, which was settled by luck. Dynamics included distributing portraits with traits to colleagues.
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Likes and forbidden
Who are the fighters like BBB 21? And who would have deprived the brothers of their lives if they could?
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Dirty game
Who is the best player in “BBB 21”? Who’s got the dirtiest match of the season? And who doesn’t play well?
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Dirty game and darts
Those chosen for bad play, bad play, and fair play received colored arrows in their avatars.
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Who should be excluded from “BBB 21”?
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UOL voting has no scientific nature or influence on TV Globo’s outcome