Sergip – from the United Kingdom who tested positive for Covit-19 – gave a negative result The delta variant of the SARS-Cove-2 known as the Indian variant. According to the Central Public Health Laboratory (Lesson) From Sergip, the woman suffered from the Brazilian variant gamma (B1).
This report was prepared by Fiocruz After sending samples from Serkip and family members, they also tested positive for the virus. At the foundation, the Genetic sequencing to identify what type of variation they are affected by.
The young Aragajuana boarded a plane from the United Kingdom on June 5 and landed in Aracaju on June 7, the site of more than a thousand confirmed cases of the delta variant of the so-called Indian variant SARS-Cove-2. Since the United Kingdom is a country with Indian variant cases, the Aracaju Municipal Health Department (SMS) has urgently requested that samples be analyzed and tested.
Written by Isabella Vieira and Verlaine Estacio