Lin da Quibrada, 31, is best known as a singer, actress, and TV presenter. With so much occupation on the curriculum, the A member of the Camarote group Act “Big Brother Brasil 22” He has also become, over the years, a reference for the LGBTQIA+ community.
Lane became known on stage, but music wasn’t the most obvious choice. With the performance, she said she was “absolutely in love” with her body.
After a poor and religious childhood as Jehovah’s Witnesses, I started doing shows and saw that music, more specifically, funk, can be the channel to spread your message in 2016.
“I don’t use music to be a singer, I use my music to listen to it, as a tool for dialogue.”
Linn da Quebrada made his television debut in the series ‘Segunda Chamada’ – Photo: Globo / Mauricio Fidalgo
But, after the stages, she goes too far:
- Presents the program “TransMissão” on the channel Brazil;
- He was one of Karol Conka’s guests at Rock in Rio, along with Gloria Groove;
- She made her debut as an actress on Globo in the series “Segunda Chamada” in 2019;
- She starred in the award-winning “Bixa Travesty” documentary, in which she recounted her trajectory in confronting machismo and various forms of transphobia.
In “BBB22”, Lane wants to live the full experience of a participant who wants to dance a lot at parties and give his best in endurance tests. She celebrates, “I’m a huge fan of this show. It will be the most iconic experience of my life!”