After Juliet’s reaction to criticism for winning two purebred puppiesActivist and influencer Louisa Mill praised the singer for her stance on pet adoption. She stressed that the singer is always ready to talk.
In an Instagram post, with an excerpt from Live that JULIET To explain why she didn’t adopt dogs because they won pets, Louisa spared no credit for the winner of “Big Brother Brasil 21” (TV Globo).
“That’s why we love you, Juliet, always ready to talk. Sensitive, human, sympathetic and peace-seeker! I’m sure your furry children will beat your heart more and more every day. So you will understand more and more of the injustice and evil that exists in our relationship with these intelligent, intelligent beings and partners in Our journey is here on this planet. Your encouragement to adoption is sure to make a huge difference in the lives of many animals!”
Last Saturday (3), Juliet surprised her mother. Dona Fátima, while joking about the fact that she would be the grandmother of twins, but actually wanted to present two puppies she won, a female and a male.
Shortly thereafter, Louisa, known as an animal activist, criticized the singer’s stancebecause this, according to her, means “suffering” of “millions of animals.”
Louisa Mill said, “Don’t you even talk to me about winning? Because you can’t win dogs either. Because if that’s the case, I also give her three pretty spurs?”
Juliet talks about the controversy with Louisa Mill. pic.twitter.com/UpR9YgqO0k
– UploadJuliette 4 September 2022
Through a live broadcast on the networks, the singer responded to the activist, apologizing if she affected someone with her behavior, but stressed that not everything in her life is science for some reason.
“I apologize if it affected my behavior. But this particular case has a whole story, I really fell in love with it. [pelos animais]. It’s been a year and a half since I’ve mustered up the courage to get the pup.”
According to Juliet, her first contact with animals happened last year, shortly after she won the reality show. At that time, she famously indicated that the owner of the animals did not want to donate them to her, until she changed her mind.
Previous-BBB She said she understands that “always the best option is adoption,” and noted that she has adopted “street dogs many times.” “Not everything in my life is science,” he asked.
“I fell really in love and felt ashamed. I was sad because I was ashamed, as I did something wrong. Unfortunately I can’t make everything perfect. And it’s not bad to fall in love with a dog.” accomplishment.
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