On Sunday, the 17th of this month, actress Luana Piovani posted on her Instagram page a video detailing the apartment she bought 24 years ago in New York. In the comments, some followers criticized the hotel’s preservation of the old decor, and the striking choice of kitchen cabinets and bathtub.
One follower commented: “Hi Lou. Not thinking about renovating/refurbishing? It’s kind of old retro. “I’m very reactionary,” Luana replied.
Another follower defended the actress: “People talk about simple things in New York!” “Go see how much it costs to get one of these,” he wrote.
In the caption of the video, Luana commented on “Ending the cycles”: “Here I am! New York sings! New York! Twenty-four years after Renato Russo took me to this experience, I have finished the cycle, and now in a new speech and dancing because this is how cycles end.” He explained in the comments that the quote by Renato Rosso is a reference to the album Stonewall Celebration Concertthe first musical entirely in English.
In 2000, Luana moved to New York. At the time, she was the first “international” tenant of the defunct MTV Brasil channel, when she presented the program live from the United States. all the best. The program included features of a reality show, as the actress’s routine was presented through a camera installed in the apartment, in addition to interviews with stars who passed through New York, such as Marissa Monte And the band dangerous. Today Luana lives with her three children in Portugal.