Lula sends nominations for ambassadors to the US, France, Argentina and the UK to the Senate; See list | principle

Lula sends nominations for ambassadors to the US, France, Argentina and the UK to the Senate;  See list |  principle

Idamarati Palace in Brasilia – Photo: Federal Government Disclosure
  • Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Ambassador to the United States;
  • Antonio Patriota, Ambassador to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland;
  • Julio Klindernik Bitelli Ambassador to Argentina;
  • Ricardo Neiva Tavares, Ambassador to France and Chancellor of Monaco;
  • Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto, Ambassador to Egypt and Eritrea
  • Sergio Francesa Danes, Permanent Representative to the UN;
  • Everton Vieira Vargas, Ambassador to the Holy See.

This Tuesday’s (21) official gazette has published news with these indications. The names must be approved by the Senate so that they can accept positions abroad.

First, the nominees are reviewed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee. If approved, they go to the full forum for a vote.

Who are the nominees?

If her name is approved, Viotti will be the first woman to serve as Brazil’s ambassador to the United States, one of the most prestigious posts abroad.

  • A woman heads the Brazilian embassy in the United States for the first time

Viotti, who served at the United Nations and was ambassador to Germany, was cited as foreign minister in Lula’s government, but that post was held by current president Mauro Vieira.

Appointed to take over the embassy in the United Kingdom, Patriota was Dilma Rousseff’s first foreign minister between 2011 and 2013.

Carvalho Neto was nominated by Bolsonaro to head the embassy in France, but Lula revised the choice. Now, he has been assigned to Egypt, while Lula has chosen Ricardo Tavares for the post in France.

Abandoned names

  • André Chermont de Lima, Ambassador-designate of Brazil to the United Arab Emirates;
  • Diplomat Miguel Crispac de Pereira Franco appointed Brazil’s ambassador to Turkey;
  • Paulino Franco de Carvalho Neto, diplomat appointed as Brazil’s ambassador to France;
  • Sarquis José Buainain Sarquis, Ambassador-at-Large to represent Brazil at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva (Switzerland);
  • Reinaldo José de Almeida Salgado, Ambassador-designate of Brazil in the Netherlands;
  • Paulo Roberto Caminha de Castilhos França, diplomat appointed as Brazil’s ambassador to Greece;
  • Hélio Vitor Ramos Filho, Ambassador-designate of Brazil to Argentina;
  • Fernando Simas Magalhas, appointed Ambassador of Brazil to Italy.

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"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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