Madonna was recording music with Katy Perry hours before she was admitted to the hospital

Madonna was recording music with Katy Perry hours before she was admitted to the hospital

Madonna was recording music with Katy Perry hours before she was admitted to the hospital

photo: @madonnakatyperry (Instagram)

hospital admission Madonna In the intensive care unit, a large number of fans have moved on social networks in the past few hours. The singer, who contracted a bacterial infection, had to delay the start of her memorial tour.”Celebration tourAccording to the site womanthe 64-year-old “Queen of Pop” has been working on an unprecedented collaboration with Kate Berry.

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A source for the publication stated that Madonna has a crush on Katy and has worked with her colleague before. “Madonna has always admired Katy and they’ve worked together before but they haven’t been able to get anything off the ground.“.

According to the British tabloid, a source close to the singer said that Madonna He was working around the clock to make sure his music and world tour was “unparalleled”. “Everything is obviously on hold now, but the fact that she was in the studio with Katie just hours before she was taken to the NICU shows just how determined she was to keep going despite how bad she was feeling.said the source.



Madonna He was She was found unconscious in her home in New York He rushed to the city hospital. His strikes likeLike praying” that it “Vogue magazineHe spent a few days in the intensive care unit and was intubated. This Wednesday (28) star’s longtime coach, Jay Osearya note explaining the situation to fans and informing of the postponement of the tour, scheduled to start on July 15, in Vancouver, Canada.

The next day, Madonna was released from the hospital and is now recovering at home, still under medical care.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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