I already realized that Jade Bacon And Arthur Agyar They became competitors within BBB22, huh? The relationship between the two was shaken after the influencer sent the actor straight to the wall. Since then, the two have diverged from each other and criticized each other behind their backs. but stop Mira CardiAnd Smell Enjoying Arthur. it will be?
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On the gossip page on Instagram, Mira Cardi You said you feel Jade Bacon kinda obsessed Arthur Why not take your husband’s name out of your mouth. In fact, the former BBB said that the young woman wants to be 17And Referring to Arthur’s 16 betrayal, which was much talked about on social media.
“I agree with the comments here. I’m also thinking she wants to be seventeen, I just talked about it. He can’t handle the inner passion, that thing you talk about dreaming about all the time. I don’t know anything like a teen in love who can’t Live with passion,” Mayra stated.
“He notices how everything you do is looking for attention with her eyes. Anyway, shoot, Jade, play your game and in the end the audience here decides‘, he added. Nervous, isn’t it?
But it is worth noting that on the Saturday morning (12) after the party, Smell Call Paulo Andre To sleep in the captain’s room And the two finally kiss. Apparently, the influencer wouldn’t be .’s 17th betrayal Arthur Agyar The two will still be rivals BBB22.