247 – Actor Marcelo Cerrado, the hero of the TV series “Cara e Coragem” and who once played suspected ex-judge Sergio Moro in “A Lei é para Todos”, met former President Lula (PT) on Monday. (15) and He reaffirmed his support for the Labor Party in the presidential race.
Cerrado said In an interview with Katya Sebra In Folha de S. Paulo that Lula is against the “very dark side” of this election and that the support of the current government goes against the artist’s true essence: “I can’t speak of artists who have not changed their minds. A time like this thing that is against us, that is, against health, And against science, against Indians, and against love, it doesn’t make much sense.”
“Lola is in love, he is happy. He will embrace the whole of Brazil. I think it is very important at this moment for everyone to come together,” he added.
The actor took photos of “working the letter L” with Lola and authorized the publication of the photos on social networks by the PT campaign. The former president posted a record of the meeting with the world and wrote: “Today I met actor Marcelo Cerrado, a great professional with unforgettable personalities in film and television. Let’s go together for the future of Brazil.”
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Regarding his past as the Jatista, Cerrado admitted that although the process was “a good start”, there was, chiefly regarding Lula’s persecution, “a movement in an emotional way, something directed”. “Who doesn’t see that… Really, I can’t say anything. It’s sectarian, isn’t it? There’s a pit further away.”
He concluded, “I consider myself a citizen who has changed his mind. If a thinking person changes his mind, I am happy to be an agent in all this.”
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