Martha Is Dead censored on PlayStation •

Martha Is Dead censored on PlayStation •

The Xbox and PC versions will not be affected.

The studio responsible for developing Martha Is Dead revealed via Twitter that the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 release will be banned.

“Martha Is Dead is a narrative adventure recommended for adults only, the gameplay consists of potentially uncomfortable scenes and themes that may annoy some players. Wired Productions and LKA have always been open and honest about Martha Is Dead content., with sensitive in-game representations that It has been consistently communicated to the media since the game was announced in 2019.”

“Unfortunately, we had to modify the experience on the PS5 and PS4 versions, with some items that are no longer playable. After more than four years of passion and hard work, LKA now needs more time to make unplanned changes.”

These changes will change the release date of the physical versions of the game for PS4 and PS5, and will not affect the digital version.

“As a result, Martha Is Dead will continue to be released digitally on both PS5 and PS4 on Thursday, February 24, 2022, but the actual retail release will be pushed back until a date that has yet to be revealed.”

Version to be released for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S for any censorship. There is no indication in the text what will be banned for PlayStation consoles.

“The versions of Martha Is Dead on PC and Xbox will not be affected by these developments and will be released with full, unmodified gameplay as planned.”

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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