McDonald’s admits a mistake and announces the return of MacPeak with a new name | Economie

McDonald's admits a mistake and announces the return of MacPeak with a new name |  Economie
The new Macpikanha does not have a Picana
Reproduction / YouTube – 04.20.2022

The new Macpikanha does not have a Picana

After announcing that it would be removing New McPicanha from the menu, McDonald’s announced in a social media post that the sandwich would be returning with a new name, but with the same flavor.

The company admitted it was “reluctant” to choose the name and secured the return of the sandwich “which has the biggest meat in maki and the delicious sauce flavored with pecanas,” without specifying a date.

In advertising and packaging, the fast food chain used the name of the noble cut of meat, but the hamburger did not contain steak in its composition, McDonald’s admitted.

“Starting Friday, we will remove our New Macpicana line from the menu, at all restaurants in the country,” McDonald’s said in a statement.

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According to the company, its new mcpecan did not contain its picnicha in the composition of the hamburger, but rather a sauce with a more pronounced barbecue flavor, after a complaint from the “eat with your eyes” page published on Instagram and Facebook that reviews the food.

The lack of meat that gives the sandwich its name has been the target of consumer discontent on social networks, being one of the topics most commented on by Twitter users.

On Thursday, Procon-SP notified the network, Procon-DF suspended the sale of snacks in the Federal District and the National Ad Self-Regulatory Board (Conar) opened a process to analyze aired ad pieces.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Justice gave the network ten days to explain the advertising campaign that was made to promote the new releases, so that it could analyze whether the pieces could mislead the consumer. Constant monitoring of user requests from this file.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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