MEC to resume professorship in United Kingdom – Portuguese (Brazil)

MEC to resume professorship in United Kingdom – Portuguese (Brazil)

The Minister of Education, Victor Godoy, announced this Thursday (26) the resumption of the Cátedra do Brasil program in the United Kingdom. Lívia Palumbo, President of the Ministry of Education (MEC), Director of International Relations for the Coordination for the Advancement of Secretaries, Advisers and Higher Education Staff (CAPES), has signed a one-point declaration with English universities in London. The last chair in the country was in 2018.

The project aims to send professors, researchers, intellectuals and public policymakers abroad, and to provide a conducive environment for analyzing Brazil’s role on the world stage and its position on global issues. In addition, it helps to spread Brazilian culture and science in the United Kingdom. Caps offers scholarships to participating Brazilians.

According to Kodoin, the purpose of the initiative is to ensure the presence of Brazilians in privileged sites for the production and dissemination of knowledge about Brazil in a country recognized as a global education hub.

“Today’s signing is an important milestone for Brazilian education. We hope to coordinate this agreement soon, restart the chairs and provide quality educational options for Brazilian graduate students,” the minister said.

University of the UK educational institutions signing the contract letter CambridgeKing’s College University of London, University of Oxford And Educational Institution From the University of London.

Lívia Palumbo, Director of International Relations at CAPES, explained how the talks work. “From the signed agreement, Caps will hold virtual meetings with representatives of four universities to define specific functions for Brazilian professors. Official documents for sending out invitation notices are already being prepared,” he noted.

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At different moments of cooperation between the two countries, four chairs were activated: the Anicio de Xiera chair, at the Instituto de Educoso dao University College London, In the field of education; President of Rio Franco, University of Oxford, Area of ​​International Relations; Add Rio Franco, in King’s College London, In the area of ​​international relations; And head of Celso Furtado, at the University of Cambridge, in the field of history and humanities.

Roberto Toring, Minister-Adviser to the Brazilian Embassy in the United Kingdom, stressed the importance of restarting the chairs program. “This signature is fundamental because the relations between Brazil and the United Kingdom are old and dense, and academic cooperation is at the heart of this relationship. Encourage them to go and do their research and study, ”he said.

Bilateral agenda
On the fifth day of the program in the UK, the MEC team also made institutional visits to key educational institutions across the country. In addition to the Minister, the Secretaries of Basic Education, Mauro Rapello, Vocational and Technical Education, Thomas Santana and the Department of Higher Education, Wagner Vilas Boas, consultants and technicians learned about the learning process. The College of Higher Education focuses on technical and vocational education and training.

In addition to going to universities, the delegation of the Ministry of Education had the opportunity to visit an inclusive school with excellent facilities for children with special educational needs.

Image title:
Banner and Figure 1: Minister Victor Godoy and the MEC Committee take part in the signing of the Agreement on the Resumption of Professorships in the United Kingdom (Photo: Marcela Lima – MEC)
Figure 2: Livia Palumbo, Director of International Relations at Caps, signed a letter of intent with the United Kingdom for professorial assignments. (Photo: Marcela Lima – MEC)

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The Higher Education Personnel Promotion Coordination (CAPES) is an organization affiliated with the Ministry of Education (MEC).
(Brasilia – CCS / CAPES Newsroom)
Re-creation of messages will be approved as long as CCS / CAPES is signed

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